
Pastor David blesses the recently renovated Youth Lounge on Sunday, December 8th, 2024.

Youth Ministry

Our mission is to help youth to know God’s love for themselves and share His love with others. The Presbyterian Church of Barrington provides youth and families opportunities to grow in their faith through programming based in Biblical teachings, fellowship and service. 

PCB offers youth groups for both middle school and high school aged youth. Activities include a wide range of events from team building opportunities, service opportunities, Bible studies, fun classes and much more.

Youth Programs

Youth Mission Trip

Every summer the high school youth embark on a week-long mission trip. The youth work side by side with adult volunteers on a mission project often involving construction type work. In addition, the youth participate in Bible studies and recreational opportunities.


Confirmation is a time for youth, 8th grade and older, to learn more in depth about God, Scripture, the Presbyterian Church, spiritual life and faith. Students are matched with an adult mentor and through classes, fellowship, mission work and movies learn to grow in their faith in Christ. When confirmed on Reformation Sunday, students will have developed their own faith statement and be welcomed as full members of our church.

Youth Group

Youth grades 6 through 12 meets twice a month for fun, fellowship, and, service opportunities. Invite you friends and view the calendar page and PCB Connections newsletter for details.

Should you have any questions or like more information, please reach out to


Volunteer Opportunities

There are lots of ways to serve and help out at PCB on a regular basis or just when you can. Volunteer service hours can always be earned.

Sunday opportunities include Greeter, Usher, Liturgist, and more.

If you have any ideas and/or a skill to share or have any questions email