

The Deacons are devoted to our mission of caring for the sick, the heartbroken, the needy and the lonely of our congregation. Each Deacon is assigned a geographical area or parish as their responsibility. We are in contact with our Parish members to discern if they are in need of our help and we are also advised by our Pastors of those in need.

Deacons’ duties include attending worship service; serving communion; ushering; participation in monthly meetings; serving as greeters; and liturgists. Parish level duties include cards and notes to parishioners; food served with love; obtaining a red rosebud for display for new babies, and periodic communication to members of their parish. We have co-moderators who plan and run meetings; assign parishes; ensure coordinator roles are filled and executed, provide information for the Annual Report; and send out the weekly care list.

We also:

  • Serve extended communion, that is communion at home, hospital and nursing home.
  • We deliver flowers to our Special Care List during Lent and Advent and deliver weekly delivery flowers made from Sunday’s alter flowers to those on our Care List.
  • We recognize our confirmands and high school graduates with cards.
  • We are blessed with regular visits from a Stephen leader to help us with our care of those in need. We have learned how to ask for a visit, how to listen, how to pray with those we visit and how to make referrals to Stephen Ministry.
  • When a member and their family needs meals, we have developed food chains within the congregation for regular home cooked meals.

As the forgoing lists show, Deacons are busy people in the service of the church community!

Deacons and Their Parishes

  • Our Current Deacons and Their Parishes
    • Parish 1 – Laura Semmen
    • Parish 2 – Amy Carder
    • Parish 3 – Emily Dowell
    • Parish 4 – Janet Hirsch
    • Parish 5 – Linda Huesing
    • Parish 6 – Margarette Schulze
    • Parish 7 – Carol Buchta & Rich Larson (The Garlands )
    • Parish 8 – Bob Stine
    • Parish 9 – Nancy Currell 
    • Parish10 – Kari Blanchett