
Funerals and memorial services are services of worship conducted in witness to the resurrection and in remembrance and celebration of the life of the one who has died. Such services usually include praise and thanksgiving to God for the gift of a life, affirmation of our trust in God’s gift of life eternal in Jesus Christ, words of comfort to those who mourn, and the remembering of the life that has ended.
The body of the deceased, in a closed casket, is present at a funeral service, which is usually conducted shortly following death. The body of the deceased is not present at a memorial service and such services may be conducted at any time. In most other regards, memorial services and funerals are the same.
For whom funeral and memorial services are conducted Services are conducted for all members of the Presbyterian Church of Barrington and their immediate family. In special circumstances, funerals or memorial services may be conducted for non-member Christians.
Time and Place
Funerals and memorial services are conducted in the sanctuary of the church. The sanctuary seats approximately 150 people. Services are usually scheduled for mid- or late morning, or early afternoon. Services are not conducted on Sundays or on major Christian or civil holidays.
Music often plays an important role in a funeral/memorial service The organist, if available, will play for all funerals/memorials. Exceptions to this must be cleared by him and the pastor, and a Bench Fee will be applicable in such situations. The church reserves final say as to what music is appropriate.
Whom to Contact
To arrange for a funeral or memorial service, please call the church office at 847-381-0975. The pastor conducting the service will normally meet with the family or friends of the deceased to plan the service and offer pastoral care.

Memorial Garden
About Our Garden
Over time, a little recognized custom evolved as survivors of deceased family members, with permission from the Session of our church, distributed the cremated remains of their loved ones on our church grounds, namely on the wooded hill south of the sanctuary. A committal service was provided when requested.
In the fall of 2000 the Session, sensitive to the desires of our members, envisaged a new ministry to provide a dedicated memorial resting place open to Barrington Presbyterians for interment, meditation, prayer and solace. The Trustees undertook to plan and develop the facility we know as “The Memorial Garden.” In its serene, seasonally changing beauty the story of life, loss, and redemption is retold. Its inviting “rambling cross” walk, interspersed with dedicated laser bricks is softly illuminated from dusk to dawn for access after hours.
How May I Contribute?
The expense of the Garden construction and the fund for its maintenance and development were derived from restricted gifts and memorials designated for the Garden. No portion of general Church funds derived from pledges was or will be used for these purposes.
The names of past and future donors of significant gifts and memorials by category are inscribed on a Contributors’ Plaque prominently displayed in the Church, but contributions in any amount are always welcome and needed. In addition, engraved dedicated walkway bricks are in place in the Garden. The bricks are available in two sizes and may be purchased for future installation.
Whom to Contact
For more information about The Memorial Garden, please call the Church office, 847-381-0975 or email us at