
Music Programs

The Presbyterian Church of Barrington supports vibrant music ministry for all ages and abilities. All members and non-members are welcome to participate in any of our programs, and we especially encourage community members to join us for our Music on the Hill Concert Series. For more information or to find out how you can get involved, please contact Director of Music, Kirsten Hedegaard at

We are pleased to announce that Organ Scholar Andrew Luzwick will be filling in as Interim Organist this fall.

Andrew Luzwick’s Bio

Music on the Hill

Music on the Hill is an annual series of free community concerts offered through the Presbyterian Church of Barrington. The programming covers a wide range of music styles, including classical, jazz, folk, and world music, featuring many of Chicagoland’s top musicians.

Music on the Hill returns with three spectacular programs this season. All concerts are on Saturday evenings at 7:30 PM and are free.

November 2. 2024: Day of the Dead Fiesta: Cielito Lindo Mariachi Band 

January 11, 2025: Celebrate 2025!: Langen-Conneely Quartet

March 1, 2025: Mardi Gras Party: Charles Thomas Jazz Trio

Choral Scholar Internship

The Choral Scholar Internship is awarded to several high school students each academic year. The recipients of the CS Internship will participate in the music program at the Presbyterian Church of Barrington and will gain valuable experience as young music professionals. Upon completion of the internship, all Choral Scholars receive a scholarship to be used for future music studies.

We are excited to welcome our new Choral Scholars for the 2024-25 Year.

Charlotte Lyons
Abby Nahm
Justin Frederick Escala
Jacek Kawczynski 

Sanctuary Choir

The PCB Sanctuary Choir is back in session this fall. Please consider joining the Sanctuary Choir- no experience necessary! 

The Sanc­tu­ary Choir is com­prised of mem­bers from the con­gre­ga­tion who share their musi­cal gifts on a weekly basis from Sep­tem­ber through June. The choir rehearses Thurs­day nights from 7:00–8:30 PM, and sings at the 10:00 AM ser­vice every Sun­day.

The choir per­forms music rang­ing from medieval chant to con­tem­po­rary choral music. They often per­form with Gaudete Brass, the in-residence brass quin­tet, the Bell Choir, and other guest instru­men­tal­ists. Once or twice a year they sing an extended choral work with orchestra.

Bell Choir

The PCB  Bell Choir is back in session this fall. Please consider joining the Bell Choir- no experience necessary!

The Bell Choir is an ensem­ble that plays for Sun­day wor­ship seven or eight times per year, and rehearses on Thurs­days from 6:00–7:00 PM. The choir uti­lizes a three-octave set of hand bells made by Schul­merich.
Dur­ing rehearsals mem­bers learn how to read music, play with proper bell tech­nique, and ring with expres­sion.

Director of Music, Kirsten Hedegaard is leading three adult education sessions.

The sessions are on Sundays at 11:15 AM, in September, December 2024 & March, 2025, exploring the lives and music of important sacred music composers: Hildegard, Bach, and Messiaen. Each composer’s music will be featured during worship on the following Sunday.
More information at