The Session

The Session
The Church's Governing Board
The Session consists of Teaching Elders (our pastors) and Ruling Elders drawn from our active membership. Ruling Elders are elected for three-year terms. Meetings are scheduled for the fourth Monday evening of each month. Meetings are moderated by the Pastor.
The Book of Order (the church’s constitution) calls upon the Session to provide for worship and encourage people to fully and regularly participate in worship. The responsibilities of the Session include evangelism, mission and justice, worship, education, stewardship, finance, transformation, administration, relations with higher governing bodies (e.g., the Presbytery), and ecumenical relationships in the community.
The Session is reorganizing into the following committees:
- Christian Life & Education: Bill Shaeffer
- Communication & Outreach: Heather Layne
- Finance/Stewardship: Rich Barbour
- Hospitality & Fellowship: Gil Semmen
- Mission: Jodie Harmsen
- New Members: Anna Armstrong
- Leadership Nominations: Mari Franklin and Robert Stine
- Personnel: Robert Reilly
- Worship: Chris Raaths
Current Session Members
Dr. David Ezekiel, Moderator
George Landes Jr., Clerk of Session
Steve Alton (’25)
Bard Boand (’25)
Bob Dick (’27)
PK Johnson (’26)
Molly Stine (’27)
Anna Armstrong (’25)
JC Clarke (’26)
Mari Franklin (’25)
Heather Layne (’26)
Rich Barbour (’27)
Ross Clover (’26)
Debra Johnson (’26)
Robert Reilly (’25)
Ordered Ministry Candidates
For Terms starting January 1, 2025
Nominees Presented to the Congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Barrington to Serve on Session, Deacons, Trustees, and as Members of the Nominating Committee. Prepared in Advance of the PCB Congregational Meeting on December 8, 2024.