Mission Projects

About Our Projects
Presbyterian Church of Barrington Is involved in and supports Barrington and our surrounding communities in so many ways. Consider joining one of our Ministries and contribute your time and talents.
Choral Scholar Treasure Indiamaowei singing the National Anthem at the 5K FundRaiser
PCB Mission Projects
Crop Walk
Barrington, IL – Raises money for local and national hunger programs
Feed My Starving Children
Quarterly trips to their facility to package food packets for worldwide distribution. Children and adults.
FISH Food Pantry
PCB Members join FISH the third Monday of every month from 10am to noon to help in various ways in the warehouse.
Good News Jail Ministry
info to come
Habitat for Humanity
PCB is one of the founding churches for a church partnership group called Joyful Hands. Joyful Hands organizes churches in the Barrington area and is one of four church partnership groups associated with our local Habitat for Humanity affiliate – Northern Fox Valley.
Run the Hills
Barrington 5K Run/Walk
A yearly fundraiser for our mission projects

Youth Mission Trips
2024 Youth Mission Trip leaves for Kenosha Wisconsin