
History of the Church
On Easter Day, April 17, 1960, The Presbyterian Church of Barrington was officially organized with 185 charter members. The Reverend Dr. William T. Jones, the executive Director of the Church Extension Board of the Presbytery of Chicago presided at congregational meeting where the Reverend Mr. Paul Winchester was elected pastor and the first Session was elected.
In 1958 a number of local residents of Barrington Hills were convinced that there was a need for a Presbyterian church in the Barrington area. They consulted with the Presbytery of Chicago and it was agreed that a new church development would be started. For a number of months the members of this new church met in the homes of these local residents throughout the area. In July, 1959, the Reverend Mr. Paul Winchester came from Lawrenceville, IL to lead a nucleus of about 50 families and a temporary council of 12 was formed. In November, 1959, the members of this new church development met for worship in Countryside School. The next month Church School classes began for 66 children ages four through 13 years of age.
On Easter Day, April 17, 1960, The Presbyterian Church of Barrington was officially organized with 185 charter members. The Reverend Dr. William T. Jones, the executive Director of the Church Extension Board of the Presbytery of Chicago presided at congregational meeting where the Reverend Mr. Paul Winchester was elected pastor and the first Session was elected.
By the summer of 1960, the Session understood that a new church home was needed. They appointed a temporary building committee. In November, 1960, Faulkner, Faulkner and Associate were retained as architects to design the church building. On April 1, 1962, the congregation authorized the construction of a new church building at the cost of $290,000.00 on an initial seven acre site on Brinker Road. On February 24, 1963, the congregation moved into our new church home. The initial unit of the building was complete and landscaped by December 15, 1963. The cornerstone containing the names of the charter members, copies of various worship services, building plans and a copy of the Holy Bible was laid on that date.
On December 31, 1963, The Reverend Mr. Paul Winchester announced at a meeting of the congregation his desire to dissolve the pastoral relationship existing between The Presbyterian Church of Barrington so that he might accept a call by the Grosse Point Woods Presbyterian Church in Grosse Point, Michigan. The congregation voted to affirm his request. The Presbytery appointed The Reverend Dr. William T. Jones of Arlington Heights, IL to become the Interim Pastor. At the annual meeting, the congregation nominated and elected the Pastor Nominating Committee.
After a nine month search, the Pastor Nominating Committee nominated The Reverend Dr. C. Victor Brown to be the next Pastor. The congregation unanimously accepted this motion, and on November 1, 1964, Dr. Brown began his ministry.
On November 7, 1965, a second Building Committee was formed to study proposals for a new Christian Education wing. The Plans were approved on July 17, 1966. A proposal to purchase a new Moeller Pipe Organ were approved the congregation at this same meeting.
On January 8, 1967, the groundbreaking ceremonies were held to celebrate the beginning of the construction of the Christian Educational wing. The new pipe organ was completed and dedicated on April 4, 1968 and the building project was completed and dedicated on June 9, 1968.
On May 9, 1969, the Session approved the purchase of an additional five acres adjoining south edge of church property. During the summer of 1969, a grounds beautification project was completed and dedicated. Landscaping, sidewalks, black top driveways and parking areas, outdoor lighting and a combination garage and tool storage building were completed.
In addition to the growth the church facilities, the congregation saw an increase in church programming and staffing. In September, 1968, The Reverend Mr. Morton Hickman was called to the position of Assistant Pastor and was promoted to Associate Pastor in February, 1970. After a two year ministry, Mr. Hickman was called to the Community Presbyterian Church in Lombard, IL. In August of that same year, The Reverend Dr. Richard H. Craft became the next Assistant Pastor. He was promoted to Associate Pastor in February, 1975.
In 1976, Dr. Craft accepted a call from the Elmwood Park Presbyterian Church and The Reverend Theodore A. Bush accepted our call to be Assistant Pastor for Christian Education. Shortly, thereafter Mr. Bush was promoted to Associate Pastor. The congregation added a third pastor to its staff by calling The Reverend Mrs. Shirley Funk as Assistant Pastor for Pastoral Care and Counseling. Mrs. Funk’s pastorate was deeply valued.
After 17 years of faithful service, The Reverend Dr. C. Victor Brown honorably retired as Pastor of The Presbyterian Church of Barrington and was named Pastor Emeritus. A search for then next began immediately. In 1982, the Pastor Nominating concluded its work by nominating The Reverend Dr. John Schmidt. By 1983, the membership of the church reached 1083. Mr. Bush accepted a new call in 1984 and Meg Ann Elliot became the Associate Pastor for Christian Education.
After fifteen years of growth and use, the Session decided that the church facility was in need of a major renovation to meet the needs of the congregation and its staff. The Session also felt that the growing music program would be enhanced by adding to the organ. Plans for $850,000.00 renovation were made in 1984, executed in 1985, and dedicated in 1986. During this period the staff worked out of free standing trailer adjacent to the south of the sanctuary.
In 1987, The Reverend Ms. Meg Ann Elliot resigned her position so that she might accept a call to a different church family. Once again, an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee was formed and a search began. The congregation extended a call to the Reverend Mr. Neil McQueen. Ms. Melissa Armstrong-Hansche was hired to assist with the children’s education program. During their joint ministry in the Christian Education, Mr. McQueen and Ms. Armstrong-Hansche conceived of and developed a new model for Christian Education called “The Workshop Rotation Model.” This model of education emphasizes learning through multiple intelligences. Since its development, “The Workshop Rotation Model” has become a widely used educational methodology in several mainline denominations.
In 1992, the Session studied the congregation’s need for additional pastoral services and concluded that Dr. Schmidt’s ministry would be greatly enhanced by making this addition to the staff. An Associate Pastor Nominating Committee was formed and a search was begun. The committee concluded its work in 1993 and nominated The Reverend Mr. Daniel R. Spike.
In 1996, Dr. Schmidt announced his intention to retired in 1998. He made this announcement so that our family of faith could make an orderly transition from one pastor to another. The congregation also learned that Mr. McQueen planned to resign in his position in August, 1996 so that he might pursue the further development of “The Workshop Rotation Model” more broadly in The Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. Dr. Schmidt recommended that the congregation not seek to replace Mr. McQueen until the next pastor was nominated and installed. After a vigorous debate, the Session voted to accept Dr. Schmidt’s recommendation. After 16 years of faithful service to the congregation, Dr. Schmidt retired and was named Pastor Emeritus.
The Reverend Dr. Jeffery O’Neill was named Interim Pastor in the spring of 1998. After the preparation of a Church Information Form, the search for the next Pastor began. After a diligent search, the Pastor Nominating Committee presented The Reverend Dr. Curtis T. Baxter to congregation. Dr. Baxter began his ministry in January, 2000.
Rev. Curtis Baxter D.Min., Senior Pastor came to our church in January 2000 and served to April 2012. Early on the Church undertook a visioning process to better understand the needs of the congregation and mobilize their skill sets in the work of the church. The Memorial Garden was established. In 2006 and 2007 the church conducted a strategic discernment process designed to lead us in new directions. In 2011 the Reverend Kathryn Louise Kelly joined our church as an Associate Pastor. Throughout this time the music program and our ministry to youth and children was greatly strengthened. Dr. Baxter resigned from his position at the start of April, 2012.
Rev. Anne E. Fisher D.Min., Interim Pastor came to our church in July 2012 and served to April 2014. During this time we implemented video recording and livestreaming of our church services and special events.
Rev. Joseph Dorociak D.Min., Senior Pastor brings a wealth of experience and many gifts to the ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Barrington including incredible preaching skills, an engaging personality and a hands-on approach to working with people of all ages.
Pastor Joe, as he prefers to be called, came to PCB in 2014. “I am very excited, humbled, honored, and blessed to be called to be the Pastor and Head of Staff of the Presbyterian Church of Barrington and look forward to serving here for a long time.”
Pastor Joe led weekly worship sessions at the Garlands and youth mission trips within and outside the United States. Notable programs that were begun included Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study and Wednesday evening Theology on Tap which originally took place at local restaurants up to the start of the pandemic and via Zoom afterwards.
In 2021, Rev. Jae Cho M.Div., joined PCB as Associate Pastor. Pastor Jae moved to the United States from Seoul, Korea, when he was 3 years old. He grew up in a Christian family and felt called to ministry in his college years. Jae has served youth, college, young adults, and adult ministry for over 15 years.
Pastor Joe retired in May 2022. Pastor David Ezekiel was named Transitional Pastor in the fall of 2022, helping PCB assess its future, recognize its assets, and plot a path forward. A Pastor Nominating Committee has been formed in search of our next new Senior Pastor.