Day of the Dead Celebration
Music on the Hill’s Day of the Dead Celebration with authentic Mexican food from Tacos El Norte and fun Day of the Dead activities for kids, plus face painting for adults and children was a huge success! The celebration featured the vibrant sounds of mariachi by Cielito Lindo, a talented family with music running deep in their veins. Since beginning their public musical journey as young children in 2006, these fourth-generation musicians have been making waves in the regional and national music scene. The family which is based in Chicago, IL has performed for Nickelodeon’s “America’s Most Musical Family,” Univision, Chicago Tonight, WGN, Chicago Bulls, and even Lollapalooza.
Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is one of the most important celebrations in Mexico, with roots dating back thousands of years. A fusion of Aztec beliefs and the Catholic holidays All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, Day of the Dead celebrates death as another element of life. It is a festive family tradition, a moment to remember and honor those we have lost, and to invite them back into our homes, even if just for an evening. Across Mexico, families carefully place photographs of their ancestors on an altar called an ofrenda. Every ofrenda includes items meant to correspond to the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Ashes or dirt typically stand in for earth, a glass of water lets the spirits quench their thirst after a long journey, tissue paper carved with elaborate motifs represents air, and candles signify fire. Marigolds are also an important part of the ofrenda; along with the light of the candles, marigolds’ bright yellow petals guide the souls of the dead to return home. Other elements of a traditional ofrenda include incense, a sweet bread called pan de muerto, skulls made out of sugar, and the favorite foods or keepsakes of the departed. While sometimes confused with Halloween, Day of the Dead is an entirely distinct holiday focused on remembering loved ones and celebrating their lives with family and friends.
Music on the Hill returns with three spectacular programs this season. All concerts at the Presbyterian Church of Barrington are on Saturday evenings at 7:30 PM. Free admission.