Celebrate 2025!

Lots of fun, food, and of course, music!

A good time was had by all at our first “Music on the Hill” concert of 2025 featuring the Langen-Conneely Quartet. We enjoyed food and fellowship followed by an amazing performance of lively Irish music! And we loved the theme around reels and jigs. Many thanks to all who organized, volunteered, and attended this fun free community event!

Link to the YouTube video of the MOTH concert featuring the Langen-Conneely Quartet below!

Scenes from Celebrate 2025!

Thank you to Eric Enskat for the wonderful photos!

Music on the Hill returns with three spectacular programs this season. All concerts at the Presbyterian Church of Barrington are on Saturday evenings at 7:30 PM. Free admission.

Donations to the MOTH concert series are alway welcome. You can drop your donation off at the church office, or to send it electronically. Click the button below and select “Music Memorial” under Pledge donation. Thank you!