Our Mission
We are a compassionate community of faith, following the teachings of Jesus Christ, affirming His grace, sharing God’s love, and serving all those in need.
To that end, this is who we are:
The Presbyterian Church of Barrington exists to develop Christian character that expresses itself in compassion. Our mission is to build a Christ-like character to meet the critical needs of our membership and ongoing needs of our local and global community.
The Path to Our Vision
As faithful and caring members of the Presbyterian Church of Barrington, we will welcome all to join with us to worship and serve God.
We will challenge each other to become better disciples of Jesus Christ as we celebrate our faith, share it with all and invite others to join us in our common journey.
We will encourage and equip all to become contributing ministers while providing service opportunities for all age groups.
As we strive to expand our presence, we will develop and accept opportunities to join with others in our community, from local to global, to serve those in need.
As stewards of God’s resources we will have church facilities and grounds, which are accessible, functional, pleasing and safe for all who enter.
May our vision be our beacon as we strive to glorify God.