Our Mission

We are a compassionate community of faith, following the teachings of Jesus Christ, affirming His grace, sharing God’s love, and serving all those in need.

To that end, this is who we are:

The Presbyterian Church of Barrington exists to develop Christian character that expresses itself in compassion. Our mission is to build a Christ-like character to meet the critical needs of our membership and ongoing needs of our local and global community.

The Path to Our Vision

As faith­ful and car­ing mem­bers of the Pres­by­ter­ian Church of Bar­ring­ton, we will wel­come all to join with us to wor­ship and serve God.

We will chal­lenge each other to become bet­ter dis­ci­ples of Jesus Christ as we cel­e­brate our faith, share it with all and invite oth­ers to join us in our com­mon journey.

We will encour­age and equip all to become con­tribut­ing min­is­ters while pro­vid­ing ser­vice oppor­tu­ni­ties for all age groups.

As we strive to expand our pres­ence, we will develop and accept oppor­tu­ni­ties to join with oth­ers in our com­mu­nity, from local to global, to serve those in need.

As stew­ards of God’s resources we will have church facil­i­ties and grounds, which are acces­si­ble, func­tional, pleas­ing and safe for all who enter.

May our vision be our beacon as we strive to glorify God.