Pastor Search

Presbyterian Church of Barrington

About our Search

The Presbyterian Church of Barrington is facing something new: plans for our future and the search for our next Senior Pastor!

We have been laying the groundwork for our next Senior Pastor from the time the PCB and the Chicago Presbytery accepted Pastor Joe’s request to retire. Since that time, we have searched for and called Pastor David as our Interim Pastor to guide us through prayer, introspection, and visioning that will lead us into our future. In addition, the congregation has formed a Pastor Search Committee to coordinate search activities within PCB, create required documents formalizing the mission and vision for our search, seek input from the congregation regarding desired pastoral characteristics, and identify and evaluate candidates for consideration as the next Senior Pastor.  Updates on the search committee’s monthly progress are provided below.


February 2025

Soon after submitting the required Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) document to the Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry in December, we received formal approval to proceed with our search for a new Senior Pastor. 

In early January the Presbytery released to us the first set of 25 candidate profiles from their database of clergy seeking a Senior Pastor position. In addition, we have also started to receive candidate profiles from individual clergy who have seen our MDP posted on that database and are interested in being considered for this position, along with responses to our ads in Christian media. 

Through January, the PSC received a total of 75 profiles for consideration from these three sources. Each profile consists of 15-20 pages of personal narratives, contact information, education and work experience summaries, references, and links to supporting materials they provide – including videos of sermons delivered. 

Your PSC members have, both individually and as a group, gone through a review and filtering process for each of these candidate profiles; finding that the great majority of those profiles have not met the criteria set for identifying our next Senior Pastor. For those few that have successfully passed the initial review, additional information has been made available from the Presbytery and the PSC has conducted a second review. Based on that second review, the PSC has dismissed most of the remaining candidates and issued an invitation to continue the process to a few others.

Of those that have been invited to continue the process, some have determined that PCB is not a good match for them for reasons we will not know. Others remain under consideration and will remain so until they either choose not to continue the process or are found to not meet the criteria for selection as our next Senior Pastor. 

Because our media ads for this position will remain active through February, we will continue to consider candidate profiles that we receive at least through February 28.  Activity in March will be determined by the status of any candidates remaining under consideration. 

Your Pastor Search Committee appreciates the many comments received from the congregation regarding the pastor search process and wants to encourage individuals to continue to share any questions and comments they may have. Your PSC members are: Russ Baker, Bob Dick, Lukass Franklin, PK Johnson, Joy Martinez, Patrice Miller and Jack Mumaw.

“After months of preparation, and with your input from the congregation survey, your Pastor Search Committee (PSC) has submitted the required Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) document to the Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry (COM) after endorsement by the PCB Session.

This document will, after approval from the COM, allow the PSC to receive candidates from the denomination’s Church Leadership Connection (CLC) database.  Your PSC will begin reviewing the profiles of these candidates as soon as they are received – which should be no later than early January.

In parallel, your PSC has developed an ad for our next Senior Pastor that will be placed in key Christian media that are standard sources for pastors seeking new positions.  The first of these ads has already become available in the online edition of the Presbyterian Outlook at  Please feel free to check it out using the link provided.

We expect to maintain these ads so that resumes can be received through February.  At that point, your PSC will examine all qualified candidates to identify those worthy of further pursuit.

Your Pastor Search Committee appreciates the many comments received from the congregation regarding the pastor search process and wants to encourage individuals to continue to share any questions and comments they may have.  Your PSC members are: Russ Baker, Bob Dick, Lukass Franklin, PK Johnson, Joy Martinez, Patrice Miller and Jack Mumaw.”

The Pastor Search Committee (PSC) activities for December center around the Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) document that has been put together by the PSC.  This document includes descriptions of various aspects of our church and the characteristics of the successful candidate for our open Senior Pastor position. 

These descriptions have been developed based on responses received from the congregation survey that was conducted in September and October, along with input from your Session members. 

The MDP will be reviewed and approved by our Session before being submitted to the Presbytery.  It will be used by the Presbytery to suggest candidates from their database of pastors available for new positions.  Your PSC anticipates that the first list of candidates may be received from the Presbytery as early as before the end of the year, but certainly by January. 

At the same time this process is being pursued, your PSC will be putting together copy for ads that will be placed in Christian media to announce that PCB is seeking candidates to fill our Senior Pastor position.  We expect to receive responses to those ads during January and February.

Your Pastor Search Committee appreciates the many comments received from the congregation regarding the pastor search process, and wants to encourage individuals to continue to share any questions and comments they may have.  Your PSC members are: Russ Baker, Bob Dick, Lukass Franklin, PK Johnson, Joy Martinez, Patrice Miller and Jack Mumaw. 

106 responses were received to the congregation survey initially distributed in early September.  Your Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) thanks all who took the time to share their answers to the questions asked.

The PSC has collected and formulated those responses using both the 27 pages of Survey Monkey analysis tools that are available, as well as via a summarizing spreadsheet that was developed. This spreadsheet that summarizes the responses received is available for your review via a link incorporated in this update

Survey Spreadsheet – Excel

Survey Spreadsheet – PDF

The PSC met the evening of November 3 to review the survey response data and discuss how to incorporate the congregation’s responses and supplementary comments into the next search steps. 

That includes the completion of a nine-page document called a Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP). This document is required by our Presbytery before we can consider candidates to fill our open position. It includes information describing PCB and the Senior Pastor position we are seeking to fill, as well as statements describing the successful candidate who will fill it. The MDP will be submitted to our Session for approval later this month and is expected to be submitted to the Presbytery’s Commission On Ministry (COM) in December. 

Once our search is approved by the COM, the Presbytery will forward potential candidates for the PSC to consider and the PSC will publish ads in targeted Christian media to advertise our search for a Senior Pastor.  We expect to receive candidates for consideration from both sources in January.  Activities beyond that timeframe are dependent on what those sources produce as candidates for the PSC’s consideration. 

Your Pastor Search Committee (PSC) communicated in early September the start of the congregational survey via Sunday service announcements and slides, as well as postings in the PCB Connections and website. 

Paper copies were made available in the church narthex as well as inserted in service bulletins on September 29.  In addition, links to the online survey were made available on all those same platforms.  To ensure all questions are addressed, members of the PSC have been present in Fellowship Hall following services to hand out paper surveys and address any issues that congregants may have.

To date, 101 survey responses have been received, either as paper copies or online entries.  To ensure that everyone has a chance to make their views known, the deadline for survey submission has been extended one week to Sunday, October 13.

YOUR VOICE COUNTS.  Please make every effort to complete your survey this week.  The PSC will begin counting and analyzing the responses next week.

The Pastor Search Committee (PSC) has completed the selection and finalization of questions for the congregation survey that will provide input to materials used to identify prospective Senior Pastor candidates.  It will also help prospective candidates understand who PCB is and what we are looking for in a person to fill this position. 

The survey is available at: Each of us on the committee has taken the survey online and we all agree it is painless. It is 17 questions long and should take about 10 minutes of your time. If you prefer to fill out a paper version of the survey, paper surveys will be available in the church office beginning this Sunday, September 8. However, please submit only one survey (online or paper) per individual.  

Completing the survey online is simple. 1) Click on the Survey Monkey link above to go directly to the survey, 2) Answer the 17 questions on the survey, and  3) Select “Done” at the end of the survey.  Your results will automatically and anonymously be submitted. If you choose to use a paper copy, please return it to the church office no later than Sunday, October 6.

Thank you for your participation in this important church activity. 

The Pastor Search Committee (PSC) is nearing the end of the selection of questions for the survey that is targeted to be shared with the congregation starting in late August or early September.  Three possibilities are being prepared to allow members of the congregation to participate. 

For the first possibility, the PSC will schedule time to attend larger established church groups (for example, the Men’s Fellowship) during their regular meeting times to hand out and collect surveys while answering any questions that may arise.  The second possibility will be paper surveys that will be made available as persons leave Sunday services.  These can be filled out and returned to the church office the following Sunday.  The third possibility will be an on-line version of the survey that will be made available through the PCB website.  While the intent is to provide several options so that everyone who wishes to provide input can do so, respondents are asked to submit responses to the survey only once. 

The survey has two major purposes.  The first is to provide input to a document that is required to be submitted to the Presbytery to indicate we are prepared to conduct our search.  The document is called the Mission Study and the input from the survey will help to fill in sections regarding PCB’s mission and vision for the future.  These sections of the Mission Study will also use input from a SMART goals exercise that several PCB committees and the Session have been pursuing this summer. 

The second major purpose for the survey is to provide a picture of PCB for a pastoral candidate to view in the Mission Study.  This will help them decide if we are the kind of church they are looking for, and if they are the kind of pastor we are searching for.  Demographic information from the survey responses will combine with feedback from questions regarding our congregation’s view of our pastoral needs and will be included in another section of the Mission Study document that speaks to what we are looking for in a pastor. 

Looking ahead, the PSC anticipates collecting survey data in October and analyzing the results for inclusion in the Mission Study document in November.  At that time the Mission Study will be submitted to the Presbytery while the PSC prepares for placing ads in several Christian publications where prospective pastoral candidates can respond with a letter of interest.  These ads will be placed starting in the new year.  Concurrently, the Presbytery will be identifying candidates based on the information provided in the Mission Study document, and forwarding them for consideration by the PSC. 

Please do not hesitate to contact a PSC member if you have any questions.  


Welcome to Senior Pastor Candidates

Welcome, and thank you for responding to our search process for a new Senior Pastor / Head of Staff here at the Presbyterian Church of Barrington. 

Whether you have been chosen as a candidate by our Presbytery using the CLC database, or self-selected as a candidate using the CLC database, or are responding to one of our ads placed in Christian media sources, we welcome your interest in serving with our congregation here at PCB. 

Please take some time to review the monthly updates in this section of our website to understand how we have been progressing through this process.  You may also want to “meet” the members of our Pastor Search Committee by reviewing their introductory biographies below. 

You are also invited to get to know our church and congregation better by browsing other sections on this website.  You will find that we have a very involved congregation that provides excellent support to both our own church activities as well as many service opportunities found in our community. 

Lastly, we would like to encourage you to get to know the Barrington community we serve.  The Barrington area consists of several neighboring towns that share a common zip code that encompasses over 74 square miles in 3 counties about 16 miles northeast of Chicago – “as the crow flies”.  Many of these towns have Barrington-related names, and include: Barrington, Barrington Hills, North Barrington, South Barrington, Port Barrington, Lake Barrington, Inverness, Deer Park, Hoffman Estates, Tower Lakes and Kildeer.

The central Village of Barrington has a small town “feel” in a well-established and thriving suburban community with an excellent school system.  The many arts, shopping, culture, food, entertainment and other offerings in Downtown Chicago can be reached via train or car in about an hour. 

You can get to know our area better by checking out the websites: Home • Village of Barrington, Illinois, and

If you would like additional information about our church, our community, or any other aspect of our pastor search activities; or if you would like to present yourself as a candidate for the Senior Pastor position at the Presbyterian Church of Barrington, you may contact Bob Dick, co-chair of the Pastor Search Committee, at:

Pastor Search Committee

We are pleased to present a diverse slate of seven faithful church members who are excited to work with one another and the entire church to find our next Senior Pastor.

I was born and raised in Scottsdale, Arizona. I moved to Illinois after meeting my wife, Nicole, and finishing law school in 2005. I have two children, Josie (15) and Ryan (9) and currently live in Lake in the Hills, Illinois.

Education/Career: I attended the University of Arizona, where I received my bachelors degree in business, majoring in finance. After a year of working in corporate finance, I went back to school and obtained my law degree from Southwestern University in Los Angeles, California. I am licensed to practice law in Illinois and Arizona. I have worked as an attorney in private practice focusing on business law (contracts, commercial litigation, real estate, acquisitions and mergers) and currently am working as in house counsel for an original equipment manufacturer, Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas, Inc.

Spiritual Life: I was raised attending a non-denominational bible church where my spiritual growth was assisted by the church’s youth program’s and my mother’s Southern Baptist faith. After moving to Illinois, my family and I began attending PCB as the church where Nicole and her family have been members for more than forty years. We were married at PCB and have had both of our children baptized at PCB. Josie was confirmed at PCB in 2023.

PCB Activities: I am a member of the PCB trustees, and the PCB Nominating committee and, along with my family, have been involved with the Young Adults/Families group. I have also served on the Pastoral Preaching Project group in support of Pastor Jae’s pursuit of his doctorate in Ministry from McCormick Theological Seminary.

I was born in the Bronx, New York City. When my military service ended in 1970, I was discharged in Chicago and I have lived in this area or surrounding states ever since then. I have been married and divorced and I am blessed to have all three of my children and six grandchildren living in the area, allowing us to come together regularly. I presently live with my sweetheart of 5+ years in Inverness.

Education/Career: After graduating from high school in the Bronx, I entered C.W. Post College of Long Island University where I graduated with a BA in mathematics. I then entered Officer Candidate School where I was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Artillery following graduation. After serving three years in the military, I received an honorable discharge as a First Lieutenant in 1970 and accepted a job as a programmer with the first of several banks I would work for in my career. During those years I attended night school at Loyola University of Chicago where I earned my MBA in 1979. After progressing through various banking IT positions to Senior Vice President levels, I left banking after 25 years to become a Partner in the financial services practice of Computer Sciences Corporation. This was followed by 6 years with Capco, another financial services consulting firm, from which I retired in 2016.

Spiritual Life: I was born into an Episcopal family and attended church weekly through my college years. During that time I was a member of the choir, served as an acolyte, and then an usher. These years were very important in forming my conviction that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and also reinforcing my dedication to church service. After the military, I did not attend any church regularly until I married my wife who had two daughters from a previous marriage. I then joined the local Lutheran church where I led an adult bible study group. Following a move to Minnesota I joined the local Evangelical Free Church and continued to lead an adult bible study in addition to teaching children’s Sunday school and serving on the church board. My family moved to Libertyville, IL, where I joined the local EFC church, leading an adult bible study group there and also serving as financial chair on the church board. Following my divorce, I moved to Inverness in 2019 with my sweetheart, Susan. COVID delayed our finding a permanent church home until Easter, 2022 when we attended our first service at PCB. It was a blessing to find PCB where we feel very much at home.

PCB Activities: I have only been at PCB for about 20 months but I have continued my dedication to being an active member of my church community. I have been a regular member of the PCB Men’s Fellowship group which has allowed me to get to know many of the men in the congregation better. I was also asked to represent PCB serving on the board of the Joyful Hands group of churches supporting the Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley. I continue to work building homes for Habitat as part of the PCB team of volunteers, and have recently been elected president of the Joyful Hands group. I have been a volunteer and participant with the annual 5K race at PCB and I also serve as a Liturgist at Sunday services.

I was born to a Lutheran pastor and Spanish professor in Detroit. After a brief stint in rural PA, my family moved to Joliet where I grew up. I graduated with an AB in English Literature from the University of Chicago which is where I met my wife of 35 years, Mari. We have lived in many places in and around Chicago, the last 26 years being split between Barrington Hills and Tower Lakes. We have 2 daughters who have grown up in Barrington and at PCB.

Education/Career: In addition to my degree from UChicago, I got the equivalent of a MBA from Northwestern, an APICS certification, PMI certification, and many technology-specific certifications. I have worked in the computer-related technology space since I was 14, for large companies, the federal government, and startups (including several of my own) in many different fields of business. I currently lead a team of data engineers at a mid-sized Chicago-based financial technology company. Over the course of my career I have collected several patents in 3 distinct fields, taken many risks, made and lost lots of money, hired hundreds of people and tried to spread joy everywhere.

Spiritual Life: I was baptized and confirmed by my father in the LCA/ELCA Lutheran church. I helped my father build a new building for St. John Evangelical Lutheran church in Joliet, was active in the choir, bell choir, AV management and many other things. I was also active in the St. John Christian-Ed and mission programs. Starting in my college years my spirituality became more cerebral and I attended classes taught by some of the top divinity scholars in Chicago. I married Mari the day after she graduated from UChicago and through her and my own study/practice learned a lot about Buddhism. Through my father’s experience as a pastor and assistant bishop, I got a behind-the-scenes education on congregational ministry and what calling a pastor looks like from the pastor’s perspective. I have attended a spiritual retreat or mission trip almost annually for the past 30 years, some of which have profoundly impacted my spiritual journey. While at PCB, I strongly considered going into congregational ministry but family and health circumstances dictated otherwise.

PCB Activities: My family joined PCB 23 years ago, with Mari (raised Buddhist) and Tija (1 yr old) being baptized at the time of our joining. A few years later Laila was born and grew up with Tija in the church. During my years at PCB I went through all 3 levels of the Disciples Bible study program, taught portions of the Disciples program as well as other adult Christian-Ed classes, trained as a Christcare leader, trained and served as a Stephen Minister and currently as a Stephen Leader, was ordained and served as a Deacon and moderator of Deacons, served as a confirmation mentor, participated in various ways with the Children’s Christian-Ed program, served as an adult leader on youth mission trips, designed and led the implementation of the last 3 PCB AV systems, serve as the primary sound engineer for worship and streaming, served on the Fellowship and Communications committees, serve as a liturgist, etc.

I’m passionate about horseback riding, especially about my mares Charli and Coco. I live for the outdoors, riding trails, and fox hunting with friends in Barrington Hills.

Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, I learned the value of leadership through relationships. My father was a top manufacturer of the Chicago south side, employing workers from all walks of life through his canvas tent-making business. My mother was a beacon of the village of Barrington through the bookstore she owned and operated, Sidney Johnson Bookseller. Living by her motto, “We work for our loyalty,” she poured her heart into her community for 35 years. I was raised to extend myself to be in relations with, and of service to other people.

Education/Career: My education includes studies at Emma Willard School, Colby-Sawyer College, Dartmouth College and the University of Oregon with a B.A. in Linguistics. I am an entrepreneur, strategic thinker, and marketer. I lead a practice team dedicated to helping clients build wealth through investments in residential and commercial real estate for over 20 years. 

Spiritual Life: I grew up at PCB, there at the beginning when we held our services in the auditorium of Countryside School while my father and the Elders raised money to purchase the church property and to build this beautiful church. I left for a time and was a member at Fourth Presbyterian in Chicago, before returning to Barrington Hills and the PCB. 

PCB Activities: I look forward to becoming an Elder, to listening to the congregation, and to help the PCB chart its path forward for the current and future generations.

I was born in the Philippines and moved to Barrington with my family in 2007. My parents were married here at PCB, as were my cousins. My son was baptized in this beautiful church during the pandemic.

Education/Career: After earning my Associates Degree at Harper College, I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience from Roosevelt University. I am currently pursuing my Masters of Science in Human Resources Management (MSHRM) at Loyola University, which I expect to complete during 2024. I began my career in human resources as an intern for the Barrington School District CUSD 220. Then I worked as a corporate recruiter for Comcast, Sears, FedEx, and Presbyterian Homes. I am currently working as a Human Resources Director for a nursing facility.

Spiritual Life: My mother raised my brothers and me in a Christian home. We attended church regularly, had devotions at night and sang praises. From the time my family arrived, the Presbyterian Church of Barrington has been very welcoming to us all. PCB has helped me develop my faith even through the difficult times in life, particularly through the support of the Stephen Ministers. Recently, I have been blessed with my own child (whose curiosity the whole church enjoyed during the 2023 Family Christmas Eve service) and I look forward to us growing in faith together with our PCB family.

PCB Activities: I have participated in Wednesday Night Live, Adult Mission Trips (New Orleans and Cedar Rapids), Habitat for Humanity, and video and audio streaming for Sunday worship services. With my growing child, it is giving me a great opportunity to participate in children’s ministry.

I was born in New Castle, Indiana. I was baptized at the First Presbyterian Church of New Castle as an infant. My family moved to Indianapolis when I was 6 years old. We joined Northminster Presbyterian Church where I was married in 1971. My husband, Richard, passed away in March of this year. We have 2 daughters and a son and seven grandchildren. I moved to Barrington in 2019 from Arlington Heights to be near my children and grandchildren.

Education/Career: I attended Indiana University and graduated from Franklin College, Indiana with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. I attended The John Marshall Law School in my late 50’s but didn’t finish. After college graduation, I worked as an assistant buyer at Marshall Field & Co. I also worked in the research department of Encyclopedia Britannica and United Educators. After raising my children, I joined a boutique PR firm in Chicago as a VP/Account Executive. Among my clients was McCormick Theological Seminary where my team and I did a complete overhaul of their marketing communications materials. I spent the last part of my working life (20 years) as a paralegal for my husband’s trusts and estates law practice in Arlington Heights. While I was working in Richard’s office, I bought a Gymboree Play & Music franchise that I owned for 9 years.

Spiritual Life: After settling in the Mt. Prospect/Arlington Heights area in the early 70’s, we joined Southminster Presbyterian Church in Arlington Heights. While I was a member of Southminster, I worked in the nursery, taught Sunday School, served on the Chancel Guild, the Personnel (old fashioned word for human resources) Committee and served as a Deacon. Through the years at Southminster, I was actively involved as a participant in worship and volunteer for many church suppers! I think the best thing I did was to go on the Youth Group trip to the Boundary Waters where I had to have my faith intact as I canoed, portaged and slept under the stars. I did this right before my 50th birthday so I could go into the next decade of life knowing that I had faced nature’s obstacles with determination and faith and came out the better for it.

PCB Activities: I have not been a member of PCB for even a year, but I feel like I am “home” again because of my life-long participation in church activities. I am still getting to know the congregation and how things are done at PCB. I love the traditional service and I look forward to many more years and growing relationships in the church family. I am looking forward to helping the church grow as we welcome new (young) families.

A native of a small coal mining town in the Appalachian Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania, I graduated from West Hazleton High School in 1960. While there I was awarded the outstanding senior award, which helped me gain an appointment to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis.

Education/Career: After earning a BS in electrical engineering at USNA in 1964, I attended Navy Flight School in Pensacola, Florida. I served in the Navy/Naval Reserve for 34 years, retiring as a Two Star Admiral, with responsibility for the training and administration of 6500 sailors at 21 Naval Facilities across six midwestern states. Post graduate education included study at Harvard’s JFK School of Government, the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany, and the National Defense University in Washington. I also flew for United Airlines and taught UAL pilots to fly the Boeing 757/767 at their Denver Training Center. Prior to retirement, I served as the Boeing 737 Flight Manager at O’Hare International Airport where I had oversight for the training and operational activities of 600 UAL pilots. As a volunteer in retirement, I served two terms as a Trustee at Cuba Township and one term as a Trustee at the Lake Zurich Rural Fire Protection District. I also chaired the annual Service Academy Selection Committees for 4 Chicago area Congressmen, was on the executive committee which put up the Battle of Midway Exhibit at Midway Airport, and have served as the keynote speaker at numerous military events in Chicagoland.

Spiritual Life: I was raised in a devout Christian family in the Evangelical and Reformed, United Church of Christ faith. While at the Naval Academy and throughout my naval career, I attended services at nondenominational military chapels throughout the world. Lillian and I joined PCB after we moved to North Barrington in the 1970s. Both our daughters were confirmed at PCB and my older daughter, Jennifer, was married here. Our younger daughter, Michelle, was married at 4th Presbyterian Church in Chicago.

PCB Activities: During my retirement years, I’ve been active with Men’s Fellowship, Kitchen Cabinet, and OWLS groups, serve as a Sunday liturgist, deliver meals with wheels, and volunteer for other “under the radar” activities like setting up/tearing down for the church picnic, putting up/taking down Christmas decorations, stuffing goodie bags and volunteering at the 5K race, helping with documentation at the photo shoots for the PCB directory, serving meals and helping in the set up/clean up in Fellowship Hall for events like the chili cook off, etc. Additionally, numerous very rewarding hours have been spent with two PCB members(one elderly and now deceased and one physically challenged) with whom I have developed close relationships. 9